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Writer's pictureKaran Fernandes

Mentally Locked Down During the Lockdown?

Hei Hei! It’s your little ray of sarcastic sunshine – Yeah… I said It! Dana.

First a little honesty… it’s getting harder to breathe. And no, I don’t mean ‘cause I have the damn virus (He-who-must-not-be-named). Every morning I feel this weight on my chest get heavier as I stir out of sleep and come to the realisation that it’s another day in lockdown… the headlines of the previous day run through my mind like the trailer to the next highly acclaimed (horror) movie that no one wants to watch… the implications of what I know, as much as the that of what I don’t know, start to chase each other around the large ass screen where the headlines of horror are looming in ridiculously large size font… To top it off, today is the day our fearless leader will be addressing the nation. AGAIN! Next, the realisation that I don’t really know when this twilight zone scenario is gonna lift hits like a freight train. I squeeze my eyes tight and roll off the bed… that’s Enough! I scream internally. I have a responsibility to hold this shit storm together… for the people who depend on me.

Secondly, to be brutally honest, I have it 10 times better than some… 15 times better than others and 20 times better than most of the people around the world. We are truly in this together!

We look for the small rays of happiness in our daily routine and if you were lucky enough to capture that with your camera phone you post it on social media. In pre-he-who-must-not-be-named times it was just a ‘look at what I’m doing’ post and to be blunt I ignored the ones that were obviously staged. The ones that hit the heart strings now circulate like the ironically named you-know-what.

For me, it’s the small moments that will bring a smile to my face, I grab them with both hands like my life depended on it and I save them for times when things look bleak. Times like when my kids (both, little characters straight out of Monster Inc.), will realise that they have been pushing the limit all day long and as we turn into bed they tell me that they know this was the worst day of my life. If nothing, I have kids that acknowledge when they are wrong… internal smile. I tell them it’s fine, shit happens and I’m proud of the way they are handling the lockdown themselves however, maybe they could start to lend a hand around the house.

The next day, I had 2 minions helping to clean up the previously trashed up rooms. They dusted with their colour coded micro-fibers… washed some dishes… put their laundry away and followed orders like darling little Super Troopers. Yes! This was proof that I was doing something right as their mom #ParentFailsTakeThat. Let’s not get carried away with my temporary bliss though. It was interspersed with the familiar leave your sister alone! Have you finished what I asked you to do first? What’s going on there? Can you please just do what I asked! Stop running around! Don’t play in the kitchen! Stop It! Stop It! Stooopppp Iiiitttt!!! Yeah… it’s literally the tiny moments that you need to savour.

The door bell rings and your heart skips a beat… nevermind that it’s just your building sweeper come to collect your garbage bags. You open the door smile, wish the time of day, ask him how he’s doing and you’re done for the day with the only human interaction foreseeable. Well, until tomorrow you bid farewell to him. Wondering if this is the last time he will ever ring the door bell. Rellaaaxxx… I mean that the building will stop the door to door service. He’s doing just fine.

The phone rings and you do a little dance… who can it be now? Some kind soul has taken the time to say, ‘Hey! I’m in this too’. Reminding you that We Are In This Together! I have enjoyed the random call from a long lost friend and we chat into the wee hours of the morning taking the time to catch up on each other’s lives… we don’t have to wake up early the next morning and frankly, sometimes sleep eludes me. Sharing the ups and downs of pre-you-know-what times lightens the load. More proof that yes… We Are In This Together!

The neighbours’ message to ask you if you need some essentials as they will be ordering soon and you revel in the delight that someone is thinking of you. You thank the universe for these angels around you.

Your closest tribe video calls and you all take the time to just laugh and joke about the fun stuff… yes there maybe a little doom and gloom but all said and done when you hang up you think about the hilarious moments you were so privileged to experience.

Never underestimate the element of surprise! Like the time I yelled out to my 1st floor neighbour sitting in his balcony (I live on the 7th floor) “Gavin! Still Aliveeeee!”. LoL. The watchmen from surrounding buildings were also entertained… added bonus!

Shout out to the Live Streamers! Providing us an opportunity to unplug from the daily humdrum and just chill with whom-so-ever has joined in. If you haven’t tried tuning in yet… log onto Facebook and check the posts in your areas of interests.

In summary, you are not alone… find your shoulder to cry on and be there for the person who has chosen yours. Stay Safe and wash your hands (while singing Happy Birthday. Twice!)

Written by DaNa, she can be reached out on


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