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Writer's pictureKaran Fernandes

Tips to keep the Mind & Body Fit during this Pandemic.

Covid-19 has affected everyone’s life in some way or the other. It has changed our lives from every aspect. Maintaining our physical and mental health has become essential for us to survive this pandemic. Below are some tips mentioned that can help one stay physically and mentally fit:

1. Follow a routine

Covid-19 has affected our lives immensely. Due to extended lockdowns, we have become lazy. Our life is no more bound to a strict routine. We do not have to wake up early to reach school, college, or office. The lockdown has disrupted our daily routine, which is affecting our health. Some of us stay up the whole night and sleep during the daytime, skipping breakfast, and even lunch. This can be very bad for our digestive system. Maintaining a routine has become essential for us to keep our bodies healthy and mind fresh.

2. Eat healthy

People with low immunity are getting affected by Covid-19. That is why kids and older people have to be more cautious. Eating healthy is always great for physical fitness, but eating immunity-boosting food has become essential during this pandemic. Some fresh fruits and vegetables can boost our immunity and provide instant energy. Adding a lot of fruits and salads to your diet is prescribed by doctors as well.

3. Exercise

During the lockdown, we are staying in our houses for nearly six months. So, our body is comparatively less active and lethargy has taken a big place in our lives. We need to exercise daily to keep our body parts flexible and fit. There are many free-hand exercises that we can do in our homes easily. We can also go for short walks or a run in the morning. Exercising also helps to digest the food that we consume daily.

4. Stay active

As people say, an empty mind is the nest of all negative thoughts. One should always stay active, be it mentally or physically, to stay away from negative thoughts. During this pandemic, things going on around us are only increasing our stress. We must focus on something else to divert our minds from negativity. That is why people are suggested to do something new and exciting instead of sitting idle and worrying.

5. Cultivate new hobbies

The lockdown has given us a great opportunity to cultivate new hobbies. Maybe you always wanted to read new books or make a small garden, but you could not fulfil those desires due to your busy life. So, now is the time to do those unfinished tasks. We can start cooking, reading books, making a garden, following a new skincare routine, grooming ourselves, and whatnot during this lockdown period. Time will fly if we invest our energy in cultivating new hobbies.

6. Spend time with family

Most of us complain that we do not get much time with our family because of our busy schedule. Even on Sundays, most of us have got pending tasks. Covid-19 has given us nearly six months to spend with our family. Spending time with family is essential to enhance the bond between family members and understand each other. During this tough time, the family is the only bond one has for support.

7. Relax and do things that make you happy

All of us need to relax and do something that we enjoy at least once every week. For example, if you love eating yummy food, go ahead and cook or order those delicious dishes when your heart desires. One should fulfil their achievable desires so that they can stay positive and happy. Keeping the mind happy and satisfied is very important now.

8. Master any skill

Enhancing oneself is always beneficial. One can polish their public speaking skills or learn a new language during the lockdown. It will keep our minds occupied while enhancing our capabilities.

9. Learn something new

It is never too late to learn something new. Our whole life is a learning process. Most of us have access to the wonderful world of the internet. Use it to learn those skills.

10. Meditate

Meditation helps to calm one’s mind and thoughts. People are using meditation for ages to get positive energy. It is a great stress reducer as well. Even in our ancient scriptures, we can find all the positive effects of meditation on our psyche. One needs to meditate daily to overcome this stressful situation.

11. Stay connected

Before the era of digitalization, we had to visit people physically to interact with them. Writing letters was another option. But now, in the age of smartphones and social networking websites, getting in touch with others has become very easy. While we have to isolate ourselves physically, staying in touch with our family and friends has become very important. If we cut ourselves off from everything, we will be more depressed and hopeless. We have Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Zoom, Duo, Skype, and other platforms to see others while we talk to them. With these applications, our physical absence can be filled to some extent by our virtual presence. Staying connected to everyone has become very important to keep us mentally sane.

12. Stay aware but do not panic

80% of the news we get daily is about deaths and new Covid-19 cases. All of these are affecting our psychology deeply. Most of us are having panic attacks and worrying too much. Washing hands excessively, cleaning the house like a lunatic, avoiding all types of human contact, examining the body now and then for symptoms, are some of the psychological issues that people are facing. Being aware of the disease and taking essential precautions are necessary but panicking is very harmful to our mental health. We should think logically and calm the mind to maintain our sanity.

13. Follow safety measures

Whenever we go out during the lockdown, we must maintain a few guidelines, those are:

  • Wearing a mask is a must.

  • Maintaining 6 feet distance is important.

  • We should sanitize our hands and avoid touching our nose, ears and mouth.

14. Stay positive

Last but not least, a positive mentality is essential to overcome this difficult situation. We must not lose our hope. Positivity comes from within, so we must keep our minds positive and spread positivity.

We do not know when this situation will become better. Hence its very important to stay positive and keep physically and mentally fit to survive this pandemic.

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